BCBA Test Prep can be expensive. The BCBA Exam is hard. It’s unforgiving. It’s pretty much unfair. We all know the BCBA pass rates. And it’s even harder for those who don’t pass the first time, and few pass the first time. There are BCBA Test prep material and they all have one thing in common: they limit how long you have access to them. Imagine if you only had access to the Cooper Book for only 60 days?

BCBA Test prep material and BCBA Pass Rates

Other BCBA test prep material cost up on average $300. You get access to them for, lets say 60 days. That gives you much less time to incorporate their material into your study regimen which should be truly longer than 60 days. And then if you don’t pass, and you take that small break before retaking. Then you’ve potentially lost some of what you’ve learned in the material because 60 days wasn’t enough to truly enough to commit it to memory.

Our BCBA, Brittany, failed twice before passing it on her third try back in 2015. That’s $900 just to re-up for some other BCBA test prep material. It costs $245 to take the exam, and $130 to retake it. That’s $1,405 to take the test and your average BCBA Exam Prep.

When you buy the BCBA Audiobook, it’s yours. Forever. Period.  And that’s the same for all future stuff we put out, including the BCBA Flashcards and RBT Audiobook that are coming out soon. That’s our promise to you. It’s yours — FOREVER.